Andrei Jingan | IP
AJ Law Firm
(415) 240-5862
4935 Hillsdale Circle
Suite 400
El Dorado Hills,
Andrei Jingan | AJ Law Firm
Firm Summary
Mr. Andrei Jingan has joined the legal profession out of the strong desire to further his personal ideals for equal justice and meaningful legal representation. See Andrei’s biography at this link.
His practice areas are aligned with his passion which is helping families plan their estate, business and legacy. Entrust your legal needs to him, so he can help you minimize your legal exposure and tackle strategically your objectives.
No job is too big and no task is too small. Every client is truly important to him, and he will always aim to find a tailored solution for every case.
While he can’t promise a specific outcome in your case, he always acts in the best legal interests of his clients. Don’t be afraid of contacting him today for a no-obligation case evaluation.