Leslie Thomas – Fort Worth IP Attorney IP
Firm Summary: Named one of the top ten ip attorneys in Texas by the American Institute of Legal Counsel, and recognized by “Who’s Who in America,” Leslie Thomas is a founding member, ...
Sabrina Morrissey – New York IP Attorney Guardianship, IP, Probate
Firm Summary: Sabrina E. Morrissey’s primary focus is estate administration, guardianships and litigation. Passionate about representing elderly clients and protecting them from fraud and abuse, she appears regularly on their behalf in ...
Jeffrey Condon – Santa Monica IP Attorney IP, Probate, Trusts, Wills
Firm Summary: Jeffrey L. Condon is an attorney who has practiced in the field of trusts and estates since 1987. With his late father, Gerald M. Condon, Jeffrey is the co-author of ...
Shafeek Seddiq- Vienna IP Attorney Asset Protection, Guardianship, IP, Probate, Trusts, Wills
Firm Summary: Shafeek Seddiq is a seasoned attorney with more than 15 years of diverse legal experience. Upon graduating law school, Shafeek practiced law with one of the largest firms in Washington ...
Cathy Weithman – Urbana IP Attorney IP
Firm Summary: If you’re looking for dependable legal services, look no further than Cathy J Weithman Attorney at Law. Our attorney has been practicing for over 30 years. Get a personalized, one-on-one ...
Kerry Caywood – Chickasha IP Attorney IP
Firm Summary: https://www.google.com/search?q=Park%2C+Nelson%2C+Caywood+%26+Jones%2C+L.L.P.&rlz=1C1CHBF_enPH952PH952&oq=Park%2C+Nelson%2C+Caywood+%26+Jones%2C+L.L.P.&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j35i39i362l8.333j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x87ad84987cdafcb9:0x3dbbd49010bb5371,3,,,
Dan Todd – Pierre IP Attorney IP
Firm Summary: Dan earned his Jurisdoctorate (JD) from USD School of Law in Vermillion South Dakota in 1985 and has been the Walworth County States Attorney, a Special Assistant Attorney General and ...
Eugene Hammermaster- Sumner IP Attorney Asset Protection, Guardianship, IP, Probate, Trusts, Wills
Firm Summary: A. Eugene Hammermaster is specializing in the field of Real Estate Law, Probate Law, IP. Eugene Hammermaster, American lawyer, specializing in the field of Real Estate Law, Probate Law, IP, ...
John Gregory Downing- Truckee IP Attorney Asset Protection, Guardianship, IP, Probate, Trusts, Wills
Firm Summary: Born in Kailua, Hawaii on May 22, 1964, JG Downing graduated from St. Andrew’s School in Middletown, Delaware. After graduating from the College of William and Mary in 1986, Mr. ...
John Sauter – Clayton IP Attorney Asset Protection, Guardianship, IP, Probate, Trusts, Wills
Firm Summary: I am a father, a husband, an attorney, and a small business owner. I have had careers in counseling, restaurants, retail, and law. This varied background and wide range of knowledge ...